Children Of Bodom – Glasgow O2 ABC – 3/4/11

Children of Bodom have returned to Scotland, and they’ve brought with them Viking metal warriors Amon Amarth.

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Sum 41 – Screaming Bloody Murder Review


Screaming Bloody Murder


10 years on from their breakthrough album All Killer No Filler, do the Canadians still have it in them?

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Lower Than Atlantis – World Record Review

World Record

World Record

Less than twelve months after the fantastic Far Q, Lower Than Atlantis are back with their new album, World Record.

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The Defiled – Grave Times Review


Grave Times


The Defiled showed they were capable of something huge on their début EP 1888 released in 2009. it contained 5 tracks of brutal metalcore, with huge vocal hooks and some really cool synths.

With Grave Times, the band have exceeded all expectations and released a bona fide contender for album of the year. Continue reading

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Glasgow Garage – 29/10/10

The Dillinger Escape plan were greeted in Glasgow to the usual beautiful Scottish weather, yes, it was pouring with rain. But that didn’t stop them, and the support act The Ocean from putting on a hell of a show.

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As I Lay Dying – Glasgow Garage – 29/11/10

After braving the snow in Glasgow, As I Lay Dying treated their Scottish fanbase to one of the best gigs of 2010.

Up first was Sylosis, who were added to the tour at the last minute to replace Rise To Remain. They only had a short set, but they made the most of it. This is a band with a fantastic future ahead, I urge you to catch them on tour next year.

Heaven Shall Burn were next, playing their first ever gig in Scotland. The crowd absolutely loved it and the band seemed to enjoy themselves too. Hopefully we’ll see them back here soon. Check out our review of their latest album here.

I’m not a fan of Suicide Silence and personally I didn’t enjoy their set, but everyone else seemed to love it, so if you are a fan of the band, you’d probably enjoy seeing them live.

As I Lay Dying are the band people paid their money to see, and people certainly got their moneys worth, playing a set made up of mostly material from An Ocean Between Us and their new album The Powerless Rise. The new tracks went down brilliantly and the crowd went crazy for the few old tracks they threw in. This is a band that have to be seen live, the songs sound great on album, but sound a thousand times better live. Their set had to be cut short, but their were fans still shouting for one more song, even after the house lights had went on.  Download and Sonisphere would be insane not to book this band for their festivals next year, definitely one of the best live bands I have had the pleasure of watching all year.

Bring Me The Horizon – There Is a Hell, Believe Me I’ve Seen It, There is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It a Secret Review

There is a hell...

No one divides opinions like Bring Me The Horizon, and with their new album There Is a Hell, Believe Me I’ve Seen It, There is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It a Secret, they are set to change a few minds. Continue reading

World War Tour – Glasgow Garage – 12/10/10

Sabaton bring their World War Tour, featuring special guests, the kings of Scottish pirate metal. Alestorm, to Glasgow.

I’ll admit it, I wasn’t to fond of Alestorm prior to this gig, but the show really changed my mind, it was great fun and the songs are much better live than they are on record.  The fans loved it, everyone was singing along and the new song Rum went down a charm. I’d recommend seeing this band to anyone, even if you aren’t a fan of the albums.

The Final Countdown by Europe plays as Sabaton make their way on stage.  opening with Ghost Division, the band storm through a great set with plenty of old tracks mixed in with tracks from the new album. The fans went crazy for every song and the Sabaton chants between songs were deafening.

In all, this was a great night, I can wait to see both these bands again!

Disturbed – Asylum Review


I’ve taken my time with this review, because I really couldn’t find the right words to describe this album…

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Murderdolls – Women And Children Last Review

Women And Children Last

For the Death Valley Superstars, sadism was merely an appetizer… And revenge was the main course! Continue reading