Rockstars Comment On The Passing Of Peter Steele

Several huge names in metal have commented on the tragic death of Type O Negative frontman Peter Steele.

Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth):

“Well, I have to say I am shocked by these horrible news…. Basically, I just want to express my condolences on behalf of Opeth. Peter and company took us out for a little spin in Germany a few years ago and we became mates with ’em, I guess. Peter was always very kind to us. From the get-go he went up to Mendez and offered him his bass guitar if he wanted to borrow it. I mean, things like that simply don’t happen in the rock business anymore, but I think he had a different view on things. Last time I saw him was a few years ago when he and Johnny and Kenny came to see us playing the Irving Plaza in New York City. There was a knock on the door, I opened, and there was Peter towering over me. I said, ‘Hey, Pete, come in….’ and he said, ‘You again, I thought you was fired!’ Went straight passed me, grabbed a bottle of red from our rider and started guzzling away in the corner, leaving funny remarks at whatever conversations that was going on in the dressing room. The dude was funny, intense, intimidating and overall, a good guy. That was my impression. Can’t say I knew him too well, but we did develop some type of ‘heya’ friendship with Johnny and Kenny. I also did a song with Josh a few years ago even though I’ve never talked to him in person. Anyways, I just wanted to write something… I am in a bit of a shock, I guess… Thoughts goes out to Johnny, Kenny and Josh as well as to Peter’s families and friends. His and their music lives on, or as they say, echoes in eternity.”

Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil):

“I haven’t heard such bad news in a long time. I am appalled, speechless. Silence is more respectful in these circumstances, I know. But everyone who knows me knows that Peter and Type O were (and are) an IMMENSE influence in my musical taste and beside that Pete was a charismatic, intense, funny, fantastic person. I treasure the moments we spent together on this road and I know he’s rockin’ out both heaven and hell right now. My deepest condolences to Johnny, Kenny, Josh and Peter’s family. I will miss you, brother, my influence and adorable giant. We’ll meet again somewhere, someday.”

Andrea Ferro (Lacuna Coil):

“These are a few words from a comic book that I’d like to use to remember Pete Steele. Thanks a lot for the great journey I had (and will always have) with your music. Thanks a lot for the inspiration and friendship, R.I.P.

“He saw the true face of the 20th century and chose to become a reflection, a parody of it. No one else saw the joke, that’s why he was lonely. Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he’s depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, ‘Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.’ Man bursts into tears. Says ‘But, doctor…I am Pagliacci.’ Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains Fade to black. (Rorschach)” – From The Watchmen

Mille Petrozza (Kreator):

“Peter Steele was one of my all-time favourite musicians ever! I’ve only met him once briefly and he was just the nicest guy! Carnivore’s Retaliation and all Type O Negative albums have been a huge influence on my creativity. This is a black day for music!Peter.” Rest in peace,

Dez Fafara (DevilDriver):

“We have all lost a legend — Peter Steele. Peter Steele was one of the nicest guys in music. He was always kind to me through the years. I toured many times with Type O and was always taken care of! Big guy with a huge heart. My heart goes out to his band, his family, and his many friends around the world… We have all lost a legend, a voice that will never be duplicated!”


“Hatebreed would like to extend our condolences to the family, friends and fans of Peter Steele. He is one of the best guys we’ve ever toured with and a true legend! There will NEVER be anyone else like him. May he rest in peace.”

Evan Seinfeld (Biohazard):

“RIP, my friend, brother, and mentor, Peter Steele, Type O Negative, Carnivore… my single biggest musical influence… who named Biohazard. I fucking miss you so much already… I love you, brother. I hope you are in a better place.”

These tributes show that Peter Steele will truly be missed, they show the influence he has made in the world of metal. However it shows metals community spirit, and how a group of people can come together during tragic times.

DistortedNews would like to extend our condolences to the family and friends of Peter Steele.

RIP Peter Steele, You will be missed.

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